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10 Things To Do While Design Space Is Down

It is SO frustrating that there is absolutely no way to use the cricut machine when their website is not working.  Especially when it's not working in the time I have set aside to work on cricut projects!!  I admit I am super, super annoyed this morning.  I already had my dining room table covered in items I wanted to work on, last night I had loaded a bunch of designs into design space...  and this morning, I can't do a thing with any of it, until they finish their unscheduled "maintenance" (Fix whatever broke).

But realistically, although I can't finish the projects I wanted to finish this morning, there are a few things I CAN get done, so when design space is finally back online, I can work efficiently to help make up for lost time.

1.Sort out all of the items I want to work on.  Layout t-shirts, pillow case covers, the leather for the earrings, the cutting boards, etc..  and measure them.  Making note of what size design would work best on each item.  I can also add contact paper to the back of the leather I plan to cut, and sticky notes on the items with the design I want to put on it, and the size the design should be.

2. Create a folder on my laptop and copy all the designs I want to upload and use this week into that folder.  Add a text file with a list of what I want to make.  Not a list of everything I want to make ever, but specifically the projects I want to work on later today when (hopefully!) design space is working again.  As soon as design space is back online, I can upload everything from that folder.

3. Search for and download new svgs for the items I do not have a specific plan for.  Don't forget to look at the "free this week only" commercial use fonts and svgs

4. Organize all of my svg downloads and fonts, back them up.

5. Create any text I will want in Fontlabpad, save as SVGs (How to use fontlab pad)

6. Clean all of my mats.  (I use soap and water, sometimes a baby wipe)

7. Clean my craft space, make sure everything is in place when I can finally use the machine again.

8.   Search for possible new project ideas (or at least go through my evernote notebook full of project ideas and decide which ones to delete because I'm never going to make them!Make a list of everyone we need Christmas gifts for, look through my craft stash and decide what I can make for each person on the list.

9. Learn something new.  For me, this means using that bottle of VLR I bought off amazon and have yet to use.  (I have a pillow that I put the wrong date on.  Because apparently I forgot what year we got married.  LOL!)  It's also a great time to order more supplies if you are low on vinyl!

10.  Answer questions for newbies in facebook groups!  This is a great time to scroll through your favorite cricut facebook groups and comment on projects, and answer questions!  It's also a great time to photograph and share those projects you have already completed, to inspire others.  :-)


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