Cliff Notes: Buy VLR - Amazon is the only place I know of to find it. Apply to the back of the fabric. Stretch the fabric. Peel off the htv. Super easy. Worked great! I love this pillow (second from the left), despite my mistakes in not welding the pumpkins to the truck... But my husband and I did not get married in 1993. That's when our twins were born. We got married in 1991. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking either. :-) VLR is something I had heard mentioned a few times on different facebook groups, so when I placed my last amazon order, I added a can to my order. It has sat on the shelf ever since. I was intimidated by it. Today, Design Space was down. (Still is, actually...) so it was a good time to try the VLR. My first challenge was opening it. Although I knew it couldn't actually be aerosol, when I saw I had to puncture the top (which the label says is plastic, but sounds more like me...