What Is A Challenge Cache? A challenge cache requires that geocachers meet a geocaching-related qualification or series of tasks before the challenge cache can be logged. Please note: Beginning April 21, 2015, a one-year moratorium is in effect on all new "challenge cache" submissions. This includes cache submissions that contain optional challenges. It does not impact previously published challenge cache listings. - https://support.groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=206 This challenge checker lists a lot, but not all, of the challenges - http://project-gc.com/Tools/Challenges Challenges In Pennsylvania - Map Challenges - typically based on the county level: The Pennsylvania All Counties Challenge The Delorme Challenge - Pennsylvania I've Been Everywhere - Pennsylvania Challenge Fizzy Challenges - one cache representative for each of the 81 terrain and difficulty ratings: PA - Area 81 - Code Name "Fizz...